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YUI Library Examples: Connection Manager: Connection Manager Transaction Timeout

Connection Manager: Connection Manager Transaction Timeout

This example illustrates Connection Manager's built-in transaction timeout functionality.

Click the "Create Two Transactions" button below. Two requests will be made to a PHP script that is designed to respond slowly, waiting between 0 and 10 seconds to respond. If the response takes longer than 1.5 seconds, the request will automatically abort (resulting in a "transaction aborted" message).

Setting Transaction Timeouts with Connection Manager

The following code example provides a step-by-step approach to presetting a transaction timeout.

Source file and dependencies

Load the Yahoo Global Object and Connection Manager source files:

1<script src="yahoo.js"></script> 
2<script src="event.js"></script> 
3<script src="connection.js"></script> 
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The Callback Object

The callback object includes a timeout property that allows you to specify the amount of time you're willing to wait for a transaction to complete before aborting. To cause a transaction to automatically timeout, the timeout property must be defined wih a value in millseconds. This example defines timeout with a value of 5000(milliseconds). If the transaction is not complete within 5000ms, it will be aborted.

1var handleSuccess = function(o){ 
2    if(o.responseText !== undefined){ 
3        div.innerHTML = "Transaction id: " + o.tId; 
4        div.innerHTML += "HTTP status: " + o.status; 
5        div.innerHTML += "Server response: " + o.responseText; 
6        div.innerHTML += "Argument object: property foo = " + + 
7                         "and property bar = " +; 
8    } 
11var handleFailure = function(o){ 
12    div.innerHTML += "<li>Transaction id: " + o.tId + "</li>"
13    div.innerHTML += "<li>HTTP status: " + o.status + "</li>"
14    div.innerHTML += "<li>Status code message: " + o.statusText + "</li>"
17var callback = 
19  success:handleSuccess, 
20  failure: handleFailure, 
21  argument: { foo:"foo", bar:"bar" }, 
22  timeout: 1500 
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Initiate the Transaction

Call YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to send the request to sync.php. The PHP script will return a string message after a random delay of 0 to 10 seconds if the transaction was not aborted. If the transaction was successfully aborted, the response object's status property will report -1 and the statusText property will report "transaction aborted".

1var sUrl = "php/sync.php"
2var request = YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest('GET', sUrl, callback); 
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